ECOGDO project

Project for the reduction of waste production

The "ECOGDO" project, funded by the Ministry of the Environment and Land and Sea Protection, aims to create a synergistic model between the Public Administration and the large-scale retail trade, to raise awareness and direct consumers towards more informed and responsible purchasing choices. Model, already successfully tested in northern and central Italy through the Life "No Waste" project, will be re-proposed in Sicily, thanks to Svi.Med of Ragusa, coordinator of the ECOGDO project.

The Municipality of Ragusa has signed a voluntary memorandum of understanding with Svimed and with Interspar Le Dune and Ipercoop Ibleo for the implementation of the virtuous actions promoted by the project, aimed at strengthening the implementation of the National Waste Prevention Program in Southern Italy.
The actions of the project provide for the development of a virtuous path that guides the citizen within the store in his "net expenditure" thus promoting the prevention and reduction of waste, without necessarily giving up their lifestyles.


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