Green News


Strategie intelligenti per gestire l’energia elettrica

Nel contesto attuale di crescente consapevolezza ambientale e aumento della domanda di energia, la gestione efficiente dell’elettricità assume un ruolo di primaria importanza. Per soddisfare le esigenze energetiche in modo sostenibile ed economicamente vantaggioso, sono necessarie strategie intelligenti e innovative. In questo articolo andremo a vedere quelle che possono essere alcuni accorgimenti e strategie che

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Creative workshops for children at the Ragusa Ibla Station

Creative workshops for children at the Ragusa Ibla Station

Il Municipality of Ragusa e Svi.Med. – Euro-Mediterranean Center for Sustainable Development Onlus, Italian partners of the project SPOT Project, organize the third of four meetings, to present and involve citizens, public authorities, associations, schools, restaurants, bar, hotel, in the territorial animation activities that will take place between September and December 2015 within the Ragusa Ibla setting. We wait for you day 11 September at 18,30 taken the premises of the Ibla ecostation, to find out more about the workshops, know the results achieved in these months and to understand together what are the future prospects for the ecostation.

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Home composting

Home composting


The Ragusa Municipal Administration wants to encourage the practice of home composting, through the assignment of domestic composters, in order to promote waste reduction by focusing on its recovery and recycling directly at the production site.
They can apply to participate in the assignment of a domestic composter, citizens residing in the Municipality who have a house with a garden of no less than square meters. 10 per family member and / or with a vegetable garden with a minimum surface area of ​​approx. 30.

E’ You can download the application and the related forms at the following link. (put the attached documentation).

For further information, contact the Offices of Sector VI - Environment, Energy, Public Green, located in via M. Spadola n° 56, tel. 0932/676437 – 676438.
Applications for participation can be completed and sent to the e-mail address: taking care to insert in the object: “Home composting module” or presented directly or sent by registered letter with return receipt, to the Protocol Office of the Municipality of Ragusa, C / so Italy, 72 – 97100 Ragusa.’
Applications can be submitted until the composters are exhausted.

For all users to whom the home composter will be assigned, after verifying the correct use, a refund of the 20% on the variable part of the TARI pursuant to art. 50 comma 1 letter e) of the IUC Regulation approved with a resolution of C.C. of 22/7/2014. A tal fine, each applicant must indicate on the assignment application, your tax code number.

The Attachments will be available soon!


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